Tax Credits, Rebates & Savings
Maximizing federal, state, and local government tax programs designed to stimulate growth and spur innovation can be a key to your growth. By leveraging these opportunities, you can significantly reduce your tax burden and funnel capital back into your business.
We're at the forefront of unlocking unmatched tax advantages with our comprehensive services, including the Employment Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) and Research & Development Tax Credit (R&DTC). Teaming up with affinity partners, we can harness and share cutting-edge technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) alongside Section 125 (Cafeteria Plan) to meticulously manage employee well-being. This innovative strategy cultivates a proactive health culture and delivers remarkable cost reductions and tax savings. By optimizing healthcare processes and benefits administration, we significantly reduce FICA tax burdens, mitigate Workers' Compensation costs, and enhance healthcare benefits—all while boosting employees' take-home pay. Our relentless dedication to efficiency and tangible outcomes ensures that our collaborative efforts empower DBE businesses to achieve unprecedented levels of cost reduction and savings, fostering long-term financial health and prosperity for all involved stakeholders